Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Text Set Reflection

Overall, I felt that the books that I chose were quite helpful and beneficial. The books that I chose were The Beaded Moccasins, Cheyenne Again, The Girl Who Loved Wild Horses, and Eagle Song. All of these books dealt with Native Americans. Each book dealt with different areas of Native American culture and heritage.
The Beaded Moccasins focused on the Delaware Indian culture and heritage. This text included many important aspects of this culture and made the reader interested in this particular tribe. Eagle Song focused more on the aspect of Native American culture when it came to feeling alienated by people of different cultures. This is a good book to teach in a classroom because at some point everyone has felt alienated by other people for some reason or another. The Girl Who Loved Wild Horses is a good book to read because it includes many important traditions that Native Americans have as a culture. This is helpful for the students to learn more about the whole culture. Cheyenne Again did a nice job at giving the reader the opportunity to see how some Native Americans were forced to be 'more white'. They went to drastic measures to make sure the Native Americans would loose their unique culture and heritage.
Overall, this text set did a good job at showing readers what it is like to live as a Native American. Some of the books I would consider to put in my classroom one day, and others I wouldn't. However, it is important that the classroom library be full of diverse literature to expand the children's current knowledge of different cultures.

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